Wednesday, October 19, 2005

As we sit in our offices, with our heating and air conditioning, drinking clean water from the cooler, or making a steaming hot cup of coffee, we find ourselves taking wristbands for granted. Many of us have two or three wristbands for ‘Make poverty History’ or perhaps you’re lucky enough to get one of those cyclist guys’ wristbands. With so many wristbands on the streets these days, it’s easy to assume that there are enough wristbands to go round.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The horrible fact that we fail to notice is that over 60% of the nations good causes go completely without an assigned wristband. For every National Autism Association’s blue wristband campaign there are literally hundreds of good causes that are left totally wristbandless. I’m talking about the Association for the Children of Pirates (ACP), The Jellyfish Awareness Campaign, or Elect Midgets Now! All of these causes, and several more are left completely wristbandless. Some don’t even have a slogan.
That’s why we need your help.
For just £5 a month, or whatever you can afford, we could supply causes like ‘Lets Put A Stop To Tofu’ a wristband. A really good wristband. A wristband that works. Like maybe a blue one with a red stripe.
Please email your bank details along with your name and address to and pledge whatever you can. In return, we’ll send you one of our unique ‘Make Wristband Shortage History’ wristbands.
With your help, we can give these causes the wristbands they deserve. Once we do that we are halfway to finding a cure. Unless it’s not a cause about a disease, or it's one for an incurable disease; in which case we’ll be halfway to raising lots of awareness, or something.
Please give generously.