Thursday, December 16, 2004

Blunkett quits after banging a married lady and allegedly sorting her out with a quickie visa

DAVID BLUNKETT resigned last night after an inquiry found his office was involved in "fast-tracking" his ex-lover Kimberly Quinn's nanny's application to stay in Britain.Whitehall mandarin Sir Alan Budd discovered there had been a fax and an e-mail through Mr Blunkett's office discussing the case and the Home Secretary told Prime Minister Tony Blair he would resign immediately.Mr Blunkett insisted he had no recollection of dealing with the case but added he would not hide behind civil servants and accepted full responsibility.He said a memo had been sent from his office which said "no favours, but slightly quicker".Mr Blunkett said he had "misunderstood" the relationship he had with Mrs Quinn.Referring to Mrs Quinn's young child, whom he believes is his, he said: "I misunderstood what we had. I misunderstood that someone could do this, not just to me, but to a little one as well."The anguish of the weeks I have just had, and they have been the worst of my life, and the disappointment and sometimes I think probably the depression of the months to come are absolutely nothing compared to the joy of, in the future, being able to grow and work alongside - along with my elder sons - that little lad."The Home Secretary's resignation was inevitable after Cabinet colleagues and Labour backbenchers made clear they were withdrawing their support.Colleagues said his bitter paternity battle with Mrs Quinn over her son had become an embarrassment to them and the government, no matter how strongly they might sympathise personally with the Home Secretary in his troubles. It was the granting of Indefinite Leave to Remain to nanny Leoncia Casalme which provided the trigger for Mr Blunkett's decision to quit.At first the Home Office insisted Mr Blunkett had done nothing more than check her application for factual errors. Then it emerged she had been told it might take a year - but 19 days later it was granted.Recollection
"The key issue has always been whether I used my public office for private benefit," he said in a statement. "Since these issues were first raised, I have always given my honest recollection of the facts, on the record as I remembered them."Mr Blunkett said he had been "overwhelmed" by the support of "the Prime Minister, my sons, my family, people who have never known me who have been in touch."I owe it to them that I am honest and open and that I get out of the situation I'm in and I rebuild," he said.The MP said he had come to a second "realisation" three months ago."If I was ever going to see my youngest son again, if I was ever going to hold him as I did as a baby in my arms, there were going to be consequences."I hadn't fully grasped the enormity of those consequences."But in time people will understand what I have been through, what I am prepared to go through, what I was prepared to sacrifice along with my three elder sons for that little boy."Asked if he could return to the Cabinet Mr Blunkett said: "It is entirely dependent on what I have done, how I have handled myself."I believe in making a difference to people's lives. And in the 30-odd years that I have been in formal politics I think I have contributed along with colleagues to changing the world."Tony Blair replied to Mr Blunkett's resignation saying: "You leave government with your integrity intact."

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