Thursday, December 16, 2004


I really hate to broach this subject since it is off topic, but I do so in the vain hope that it will silence those who recite the global warning mantra:
(From the Denver Post)
Michael Malin, president of Malin Space Science Systems, talked about gullies that may have been sculpted recently by liquid water; evidence of ancient seas; and the discovery that the planet’s south polar cap of dry ice is losing weight.
“Mars is experiencing global warming,” Malin said. “And we don’t know why."
I guess those Martians elected a Republican government and drive SUV’s.

Posted by jetboy on 12/16 at 03:48 AM (Link to this comment)
I don’t have now the time to answer to all of u but yes there are policemen in France, but it doesn’t change anything. Hussein submitted himself to the UN tests, but US government affected not to hear and see this, cause they already got their war plan, and they shown us false clues like picture of Cheney’s garden taken with a bad camera, who could look like a WMD storehouse (wel I’m joking but the picture of a truck an’t tell u what’s inside of it). Hans Blx and his guys visited all Iraq and didn’t find any WMD. But Bush was annoyed by this and steel affected not to hear what the reports said. If UN were created, it was to prevent war, and the nations had al to say ok if a war had to be done. So US had not to go to war without the aproval of UN. So you can say this war was illegal. Even if Hussein was a criminal and had to be overthrown. And even if he was a criminal, your country didn’t respect the Geneva’s convention when he as arrested. You were scandalised when an american prisoner was shown on TV, but didn’t care when it was an iraqi one, but the convention says you don’t have the right to show any picture of any prisoner in the media. If UN have no credibility, why did you create them so? And proove me then why you would be more credible than them.
I don’t mean to change the topic, but you said yourself how can you negociate with some conqueror with dreams of world domination? Is it the reason which make you follow your president blindly and don’t dare to tell him when he’s wrong.
I don’t know the one who said terrorists had middleclass roots. I think you’re wrong. Terrorist’s CHIEFS are middleclass or millionnaire, but the suicide bombers or plane hijacker are mostly underdogs. That’s because of their poverty that Al Qaida and co can recruit them, because they don’ have any hope in future because they’ve been starving for years and think it’ll go on and on with Karl Rov… er George Bush and co’s policies. As u do, they believe in the ones who have money. Of course Saudi Arabia is quite rich, and of course the money comes from here, and of course too, you don’t attack them because they got money and oil. But suicide bombers ain’t oilwell’s owners.

Posted by jetboy on 12/16 at 03:55 AM (Link to this comment)
And about Kyoto, of course the treaty isn’t perfect, but Bush’s argument are wrong. He says it’s not enough, but what is he doing? Does he show a real environment policy? No, he’s not doing anything, and he’s even doing more pollution than ever. Do you realise that if each people on earth lived like a middle american, we would need 23 earths to stock your pollution and wastes? And I’m not ommparing to other countries because most countries would need more than one earth. But others would need no more than about 10. It’s big, but it’s not 23.

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