Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Over at Amazon, everyone is eagerly awaiting the new Hasslehoff album, and some lucky reviewers have managed to get a sneak preview. If you are a fan of the Hoff - why not go over and leave a review of your own?
Below is an example:
We all love Hassehorve. And he loves us all back., May 31, 2005
Almas Paradies "We're knocking on heaven's door" - See all my reviewsHow Germanic, how Teutonic, how Aryan it is to rock out so hard. David Hassehorve leaves behind a brilliant acting career to "super pursue" his place in rock history. He hires all the key grips and crewmen from the set of Baywatch and transforms them into musicians, producers and even backup singers for his debut offering. After a few listens, you can tell it's an electrician backup-yelping behind David in "Crazy For You." Only a boom mike operator can play an electric guitar solo that badly. And surely a junior caterer was behind the mixing board. The general effect is one of controlled chaos. David rules over this motley crew of unlikely rock gods, sitting on his magnificent throne like Zeus with a perm. When inspiration strikes, he rears his oversized head back and screeches like a baboon stuck in a car door, turning every listener giddy and flatulent. The song "Hot Shot City" is particularly good.
Found your blog today and spent some time reading through it. Good stuff, thanks! I'm thinking of doing one for my site, but not sure I have the time to do it right. Yours looks so good though, I might!
Take care!
Me. -- "I tried these real love spells and got my boyfriend back!"
Stumbled across your blog when doing research on love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi. Thanks for the read! :)
Me. -- !These candle love spells got my love back!
Found your blog today and spent some time reading through it. Good stuff, thanks! I'm thinking of doing one for my love spells online site, but not sure I have the time to do it right. Yours looks so good though, I might!
Take care!
Stumbled across your blog when doing research on love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi. Thanks for the read! :)
Me. -- !These real voodoo love spells got my love back!
Stumbled across your blog when doing research on love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi. Thanks for the read! :)
Me. -- !These how to cast love spells got my love back!
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